Argyria: An Extremely Rare Cosmetic Condition

The condition known as Argyria is the only acknowledged effect of excessive intake of colloidal silver over long periods of time. Since inception (2000), Silverlab has never had one reported case of Argyria. Argyria is characterised as a very rare cosmetic problem, where the body is unable to efficiently excrete excessive amounts of silver, resulting in deposits in the skin tissue. This may result in the skin becoming a grey or blue-grey colour. No other associated adverse health effects or toxic reactions have been reported. The onset is gradual and can be detected early. Early signs of Argyria include discolouration of the conjunctival membranes, gums and on the nail beds, just above the moon of the nail. Should this occur, use of colloidal silver should be discontinued.

According to reports from the World Health Organisation, EPA IRIS and the FDA, it requires an accumulation of more than 10 g of silver for Argyria to manifest. Ingestion and excretion: The EPA IRIS report assumes an oral retention factor of 0.04, which means 4 % of ingested silver is retained and 96 % is excreted. Safe dosage for Silverlab 18 ppm ionic+ Colloidal Silver: A person with an average weight of 70 kg can safely ingest and/or inhale 8 litres of Silverlab Liquid per year. This equates to 555 litres of Silverlab Liquid over a 70-year lifetime. Most people do not ingest/inhale volumes of up to 8 litres of Silverlab Liquid year-on year. This then allows for a high-dose intake protocol to safely be followed for periods of 3 to 4 months. The same applies to high-dose intake/inhalation during times of acute illness. The key is just to remain within the 555-litre limit per lifetime.

Silverlab Healthcare has done extensive independent studies on the safety of their products, and can confidently conclude that the outcome of all the studies proves a favourable safety profile.


  1. World Health Organisation, ‘Silver in Drinking-water – Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality,’ Geneva (2003).
  2. FDA, Public Health Service, Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research, File F99-22589, 3 November 1999.
  3. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA IRIS, Residues of Silver in Foods from Food Contact Surface Sanitizing Solutions; Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance, Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 110 / Wednesday, June 10, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
  4. Daan Goosen, La-Bio Research, ’90-day toxicity study performed on Sprague rats at a dose of 14ml/kg per day with 18 ppm ionic colloidal silver manufactured by Silverlab Colloidal Silver, 30 April 2009.
  5. Kruger Goosen, La-Bio Research, Subacute Inhalation Toxicity of Silverlab Liquid Substance A, performed on Sprague Dawley rats at 450 ppm, April 2020.