
Description,  Symptoms and Causes:

Cuts or tears to the skin can sometimes end up with unsightly consequences. It doesn’t have to be that way…

Collagen is the building block the body uses to heal wounds. It is the main structural protein of the skin and other tissues in the body. When Silverlab colloidal silver is applied during the healing process it somehow causes this tissue to be laid down in a manner that is similar to the surrounding tissue. Hence, reduced scarring.


How others have used Silverlab Colloidal Silver

Silverlab Gel and Liquid are essentials in your first-aid kit. Use them after accidentally cutting yourself or after being on the operating table to help reduce scarring. Most of the Laser Clinics have started prescribing Silverlab Healing Gel as an after-treatment to Laser Therapy.

Laboratory tests done at Synexa Laboratories in Cape Town show Silverlab Liquid to be anti-Inflammatory and anti-microbial (Gel is >95% Liquid). Not only does it keep bad  bacteria at bay, but it also helps reduce scarring. The reduction in scarring is sometimes so dramatic that the scar can barely be seen. See testimonials below.

Helps prevent scarring before it starts…

Although Silverlab Healing Cream and Healing Gel are probably the most effective applications for reducing previous scarring, the Gel is  best used on the open skin or directly in the wound or burn to help the skin heal without scarring.


See testimonials below.



“I was bitten by a baboon in Zambia and about a week later travelled to South Africa to visit my very sick brother. I stayed with my nephew who suggested I try some colloidal silver on my, as yet, unhealed wound, which had become a bit red and inflamed. I applied the colloidal silver and within a week the scabs had gone! They didn’t fall off as scabs usually do – they just vanished!

I became quite excited about colloidal silver products and treated my cousin’s husband for a cold when we visited them in Pretoria. He was quite reluctant at first, but was so ill with it that he eventually gave in and took some of the liquid.

You won’t believe me when I tell you that after three days of taking it, his cold cleared completely! I didn’t stop there: on my advice, my daughter used the liquid to treat her little boys’ colds and, after two days phoned me to say the colds had gone!”

Magda Van Zyl, Mkushi, Zambia


“Ek het op Donderdag 2 Julie @ Health Corner in Langenhovenpark, Bloemfonein vir my `n bottel Silverlab Colloidal Silver gekoop.Ek was in `n maand se tyd op 3 kursusse antibotika gewees vir bronchitis en daarna griep.  Na die tyd het ek nog erg gesukkel met `n post nasal drup wat net nie wou beter raak nie.

Ek het die Donderdag met die Colloidal Silver begin, en kon al vanaf die Saterdag `n verskil agterkom. `n Week later het ek weer begin hoes, en toe sommer onmiddelik weer begin met die Colloidal Silver, en daar’s my hoes weg!

Ek beveel Colloidal Silver 100% aan vir alle mense. Ek het op my Facebook ook vir Elsjé Blair (Ryk Neethling se suster) en Ruben Kruger dit aanbeveel.  Ons al 3 is ex kanker pasiënte.  Ek is nou 5jr skoon van Borskanker.  Ek het toe ook sommer op my facebook profile `n aanbeveling van Colloidal Silver gedoen en julle web adres bygesit.

My ma het so twee weke terug `n operasie aan haar been gehad, en toe gee ek vir haar ook `n bottel Colloidal Silver present en sê sy moet dit gereeld aan die wond sit.  Sy het gesê dit is die beste geskenk wat mens vir iemand kan gee. Groete uit `n koue Bloemfontein.”

Sarina van Aswegen, Bain’s Vlei, South Africa


“Thirteen years ago I underwent an operation for gangrene, which had surfaced after my hysterectomy. Treatment of the gangrene was successful but in November 2009, thirteen years later, I went to see a doctor, as it appeared to have flared up again. He put me through a Quantum Xeroid diagnostic process and suggested I see a plastic surgeon to remove the inflamed skin and flesh. The surgeon performed an abdominoplasty, but the wound became infected.

After opening the wound, he found it to be literally the size of a jumbo egg. He said I should wash the wound with saltwater and a well-known baby sterilising fluid. I did this, but it burnt excruciatingly for hours after each application. On telling him about the pain, and that there appeared to be no evidence of healing, he insisted I continue because it was a tried and trusted remedy. But it simply did not get better and I felt compelled to seek an alternative cure.

I had read about the healing properties of colloidal silver and thought I would try it. I did an Internet search for a South African supplier and got Silverlab. I sent my story to the email contact listed and received a reply from Ian McQueen, who advised me to mix bicarbonate of soda with Silverlab Ionic Colloidal Silver to clean the wound, and then wash it out with just the Silverlab Ionic Colloidal Silver. He added I should apply Silverlab Healing Gel after doing that, and that I should repeat the process until the wound healed. I was amazed to see a daily improvement – yes, daily! The wound is closed, there is no more burning, just a cool and gentle feeling.

I now use Silverlab Ionic Colloidal Silver for my sinuses and it has also cured my daughter’s candida. I give it to my two-year old  toddler, who recently went for ear surgery and was full of vim and vigour after the operation. Silverlab, your product is wonderful! And thank you Ian! I would also like to thank my God and Saviour for helping me find a company that is so helpful and a product that works!”

(The patient has asked that her name be withheld to avoid giving embarrassment to others)


 “I have always suffered from keloid scarring. I was amazed when I cut myself recently and found that after applying the Healing Gel right from the beginning, I did not scar badly. I can barely see the scar on my forearm. Thanks Silverlab for a wonderful product!”

Daphne, Windsor, South Africa


Add your testimonial here!

Send us an email on how Silverlab products have helped you and we will post one of your favorite products to you as a token of our gratitude. Your name and telephone number must be supplied to us along with your postal address. We will not publish your name if you choose to keep yourself anonymous. Telephone number will never be published.


From Jan J Lategan’s Natural Health Tips

It is a problem for older people and diabetics due to poor circulation, especially in the legs.
1. Vito Chro-Mag [2×2] if your blood sugar is above 5.5;
2. Colloidal Silver Spray [every hour] or Colloidal Silver Gel kills all the germs in the wound that causes the infection.
3. Rinse and swallow 5ml Colloidal Silver every two hours to detox the blood.
4. Echinacea tablets [1×2; 6 days a week] to accelerate healing.
5. Ginkgo Biloba or Gotu Kola or Cayenne pepper to improve circulation;
6. Zinc [50mg] and Ester C to accelerate healing.

[Natural Health Tips 2012 Jan J. Lategan pg.86]


Reproduced with permission, [Natural Health Tips 2012 Jan J. Lategan pg.1] Purchase Jan’s amazing book by phoning him on 021 913 2382021 913 2382 or 082 290 2281082 290 2281. The books are available in English and Afrikaans. Every household should have one.


Use these Silverlab products

Colloidal Silver Liquid

Colloidal Silver Healing Cream

Colloidal Silver Healing Gel