Silverlab Mesh Nebuliser

Silverlab Mesh Nebuliser

Please read the instruction manual carefully and keep it for later use. Be sure to have the manual accessible to other users. Getting to Know the Mesh Nebuliser This nebuliser is a mesh-membrane type nebuliser (atomiser) for treating the upper and lower respiratory...
Silverlab Mesh Nebuliser


Lees die handleiding aandagtig deur en bewaar dit vir latere gebruik. Maak seker dat u die handleiding vir ander gebruikers toeganklik maak. Om u instrument te leer ken Hierdie verstuiver (nebuliseerder) is ‘n gaas membraan verstuiver vir die behandeling van die...

Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray

Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray is a natural health product that has gained popularity in recent years for its purported antimicrobial properties. This product is made up of tiny silver particles suspended in liquid, which are believed to have powerful antibacterial and...