colloidal silver pregnancy

At the time of writing there were about 75 500 000 results when searching for “supplements during pregnancy” on Google’s search engine. “Best pregnancy supplements” delivers (only) 117 000 000 results while “Colloidal Silver during pregnancy” barely makes it to the bottom of the search barrel with just 1.2m results. . . although it’s growing rapidly.

Put it this way, in comparison to “supplements during pregnancy”, the similar Colloidal silver search only generates about 0.015% of the same interest – which is pretty much on par with the general population’s understanding of what the product can, or should, do for pregnant women – and what it really can’t.

Identity, strength, purity, quality.

There’s no silver-bullet for health. Remaining in tip-top shape requires a mix of diet, exercise, lifestyle, vitamin and mineral intake. It requires us to understand our bodies, with mind and soul working in unison to sustain that lovely, balanced, you.

Even then – things can go pear-shaped at various life-stages and it’s nobody’s fault. The best we can do is try keep our immune systems strong and part of that process is the use of supplement products.

Colloidal silver is one such product but, like anything else, it’s wise to make sure you use a product that has the identity, strength, purity and quality that is safe and affective for use.

“Silverlab ionic silver products have a favourable side effect profile,” says Dr Leonie Bangert, a Johannesburg-based dentist, medical aesthetic practitioner, managed healthcare and pharma clinical advisor. “Like with everything in life, one needs to take ionic silver responsibly as per the recommended directions for use, and use a product of good quality that is manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice standards and principles (ISO 9001).

Choosing the right product

Online debate is predictably divided with valid points on both sides of the argument. The key point raised by the negative camp relates to quality of product – and that’s where risk is most prevalent.

Says, “There are many Internet ads for the parts of a generator that produces colloidal silver at home. People who produce colloidal silver at home will likely not be able to evaluate their product for purity or strength.”

There are four key factors to consider when choosing a Colloidal silver brand:

  • The liquid must be absolutely clear
  • It must have a stated strength (preferably below 25 ppm, e.g. 18 ppm)
  • It must be produced by a reputable manufacturer and not home-brewed
  • It must not, ignorantly or falsely, guarantee against Argyria at excessive doses.

What is Argyria?

“Although ionic colloidal silver is safe and beneficial, if used incorrectly, in excessive amounts, or a poor-quality product is consumed, it can cause a pigmented grey/blue skin condition called Argyria – a harmless but cosmetically unpleasant condition,” says Silverlab Executive Director, Ian McQueen.

“The World Health Organisation published a paper on the use of ionised silver in which they recommended it for the purification of municipal water. The paper established scientifically that a person of average 70 kg weight can safely ingest the equivalent of 8 litres of 18 ppm ionic silver per year over his/her lifetime. . . it is extremely unlikely to be affected by this condition when following the right doses and using the right quality product.”

Yes, but is it safe?

“Silverlab Ionic silver can be used throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding,” says Dr Barnard. “We’ve had numerous clients who have used our products throughout their pregnancy with no side effects, also reporting great benefit in boosting their immune system over that time.

As always our standing recommendation is for pregnant women to consult their doctor prior to taking Silverlab Liquid.”

Want to know more about Silverlab products? >> read here