Dr Anton Janse van Rensburg
MBChB, Integrative Practitioner
Dr Anton Janse van Rensburg is a practising medical doctor from Pretoria, South Africa, with 25 years of experience as an Integrative Practitioner. Besides his MBChB degree, he has a Master’s degree in Applied Human Nutrition from the University of Pretoria, and an Advanced Management Diploma from Manchester Business School. He is also a trained metal toxicologist.
Our next CPD Event
Hosted by Dr Anton Janse Van Rensburg on the topic of lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae condimentum urna. Ut imperdiet auctor hendrerit. Nam sed ex feugiat, vehicula ipsum eu, tincidunt ante. Nullam facilisis mi quis ante volutpat placerat.
CPD Points Earned
Doctors: 11 CPD Points*
Pharmacists: 2 CPD Points*
* CPD points may very depending on your registration body
The webinar will be held live on youtube.
A copy of the presentation will be emailed to you
3 online attendance forms will be sent out during the event in the chat box
3 questionaires will be provided, you may read through them but you may only fill them out 24 hours after the event ends.
Previous Events
The Safe and Effective Use of Colloidal Silver in Clinical Practice 7th December 2023
Discover the benefits of Colloidal Silver with Dr. Anton Janse van Rensburg in this enlightening presentation! Join us as we delve into the safe and effective applications of Colloidal Silver in clinical practice. Dr. Rensburg, a renowned expert in the field, will guide you through its uses and benefits.