Antibiotic Silver: Every Cloud’s Silver Lining

The care for antibiotic silver: The incorrect use and in my opinion the over-use of antibiotics has led to a growing concern in the medical field. Antibiotics have been too frequently given to patients by their treating physicians without looking into more natural forms of cure. Not only are antibiotics given to patients too easily but it is also present in the foods that we eat. Animals are given antibiotics and then we ingest the meat. Antibiotics have a very negative effect on our gastrointestinal health. By upsetting the environment of our gut we become predisposed to a large number of diseases.

Bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics and a disease that is resistant to antibiotics poses a serious problem for public health. Until more effective ways of dealing with bacteria are developed there seems to be a solution to effectively deal with those resistant bacteria.

Research About Silver as an Antibiotic

Research shows that silver, when administered in small doses, can become the silver lining behind the cloud of resistant bacteria. It has been noted that silver makes the bacteria 10- 1,000 times more sensitive to the three widely used antibiotics, gentamycin, ofloxacin, and ampicillin. It has also made one resistant bacterium weaken to antibiotics again. These findings are very promising as pharmaceutical companies have been finding it very hard to find new drugs that are effective in killing off resistant bacteria. Now with the use of antibiotic silver, we can boost the effectiveness of common antibiotics allowing us to ward off resistant bacteria.

Antibiotic silver causes the membrane of the bacteria’s cell to become leaky. This then allows the antibiotic to do its work.

Potential Risks of Silver Usage in Combination with Antibiotics

Although using silver together with antibiotics does have its merits there are however some risks. When silver is taken in excess it can be very toxic, one of the results of this toxicity is a condition called Argyria. This condition causes the skin to become blue-grey in color and the effects of this are permanent. Silver may also be toxic to tissue such as the heart tissue, and damage to the tissue can cause leakage.

In conclusion, the use of colloidal silver in combination with antibiotics may have some potential benefits in treating bacterial infections, however, caution should be exercised when using silver. Overall, colloidal silver can offer a promising alternative to conventional antibiotics.