History of Colloidal Silver


Silver has long been used for its antimicrobial properties to prevent and treat a variety of diseases and most notably infections.


The best testimonial for silver is the fact that royal families through the ages were very healthy and achieved high ages. This is attributed to the silver utensils they use.  They really have silver in their blood (slightly blue under an electron microscope) to detox their bodies and protect them against any infections.  The term ‘blue blood’ came into existence due to this.

For many years silver solutions have been used effectively in medicine and charged silver solutions have since the 1920’s been approved by the FDA for use as antibacterial agents. The safety of using silver solutions has been disputed in the past. However, if silver solutions are manufactured in the correct environment and according to the correct specifications, the safety of the product cannot be refuted.


A Brief History of Colloidal Silver

  1. The ancient cultures of Greece, Rome, Phoenicia and Macedonia all relied on silver to keep them healthy.
  2. Around 400BC, Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” taught that silver supports the healing process.
  3. During the Middle Ages, upper-class Europeans used silver utensils and goblets, ensuring the safety of their food and water.
  4. Silver lined the water vessels of the armies of Tsar Alexander as they fought Napoleon.
  5. In America’s Old West, it was common practice to drop silver coins into drinking water barrels to prevent the water from spoiling.
  6. Previously a silver coin was placed on a babies naval after the umbilical cord was cut thus preventing infection.
  7. As recently as the 1930’s colloidal silver was the preferred choice of physicians for empowering the immune system and supporting the body’s innate healing process.
  8. NASA uses silver in the water purification systems of the space shuttle and international space station.
  9. Up until the 1970’s, surgical equipment was made from silver.


Medical Uses

During the 1930’s silver was used internally and externally to treat a variety of medical conditions but with the discovery of penicillin and the fact that silver had become an expensive commodity, colloidal silver fell into disuse.

In the 1970’s however, interest in silver was rekindled as a result of its usefulness in treating burns. Silver can be used on large areas of the body. In certain forms, it is nontoxic and non-stinging (it can even be used in the eyes!).