For detailed information, refer to the Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) here.

Liquid (Daily Immune Booster & Anti-microbial)

Indications Summary

General daily tonic; Immune booster; Anti-microbial; Anti-inflammatory; Colds and flu, Gastric upsets, Food poisoning.

Directions for Use Summary

Adults: 10 ml, once or twice daily for daily use 

Children: From 1 ml daily upwards, in an age-related and condition-dependant manner – please see relevant doses on PILs.

Healing Spray

Indications Summary

For skin, eye and mouth conditions.

Directions for Use Summary

Skin conditions:

Adults and children: Spray liberally onto affected areas multiple times per day and leave to dry naturally.

Mouth conditions:

Adults: 5 sprays into the mouth hourly, as needed

Children: From 1 spray three to four times a day, as per PIL.

Eye conditions:

Adults: 2 sprays to clean each closed, affected eye, followed by 2-3 more sprays to each closed, affected eye. Repeat hourly as needed.

Children: From 1 spray to clean each closed, affected eye, followed by 1 more. spray to each closed, affected eye. Repeat two to three times a day. As per PIL.

Burn Rescue

Indications Summary

Assist in the soothing, restoration and management of thermal and chemical burns affecting the skin, eyes, nose, throat and lungs.

When left to dry naturally, it also forms a protective barrier. 

Directions for Use Summary

Eyes: Spray onto closed eyelids to clean away dirt and soot. Wipe clean if possible. Then tip head back, spray into eye socket and then open eyes to get liquid into the eyes. Keep eyes wet with liquid for 2 minutes. Repeat as needed. Alternatively, the liquid can be used in an eye bath. 

Burns (Heat or Chemical): Spray directly onto burns. Keep affected area wet with liquid for as long as possible. Continue spraying area until it has cooled sufficiently. If the burn area on the skin is large, remove the spray lid and pour the liquid directly onto affected area. 

If clothing is stuck to the skin, pour the liquid directly onto the clothing. 

Cuts, Scrapes & Wounds: Spray directly onto cuts, scrapes and wounds to disinfect the area. Remove any gravel or debris by rubbing with a swab while continually spraying. Repeat as needed. 

Mouth & Throat: Spray liquid into mouth and throat as needed. 

Lungs: Pour 5 ml to 6 ml undiluted liquid into your nebuliser receptacle. Inhale as per nebuliser instructions for 8 to 12 minutes. Use 3 times per day for 3 to 5 days. 

Nose Spray: Spray 4 sprays into each nostril while inhaling. Repeat 3 to 4 times per day or more as needed. 

Healing Liqui-Gel

Indications Summary

Sore throat; Tonsilitis; Mouth sores & ulcers; Gum conditions.

Directions for Use Summary

Adults: Gargle and rinse with 10 ml, four to eight times per day.

Children 6-12 years: Use 5 ml to gargle and rinse four to eight times a day. 

Nasal Spray

Indications Summary

Nasal Congestion; Colds and flu; Sinusitis; Hay fever; Nose sores; microbial protection.

Directions for Use Summary

Adults: Two sprays per nostril, 2 to 4 times per day.​

Children: 1 drop/ spray per nostril, once or two times per day. As per PIL.

Healing Gel

Indications Summary

Wounds; Thrush.

Directions for Use Summary

Adults & Children: Apply liberally to the affected area, up to 4 times per day.

Healing Cream

Indications Summary

Skin rash; Dermatitis; Eczema; Moisturiser; Acne; Nappy rash.

Directions for Use Summary

Adults & Children: Apply liberally to the affected area, up to 4 times per day.

Ear Rescue

Indications Summary

Outer ear conditions; ear irrigation.

Directions for Use Summary

Adults: 8 drops per ear canal, up to 4 times per day.​

Children: 1 to 4 drops per ear canal, two to four times per day. As per PIL.

Hand, Face & Mask Sanitiser

Indications Summary

General surface and personal disinfectant and sanitiser.

Directions for Use Summary

Adults & Children: Regularly spray surfaces, hand, face, nose, mouth and mask and leave to dry naturally. For surfaces, test a small area first for staining.

Silverlab Nebulising Liquid

Indications Summary

Respiratory care.

Directions for Use Summary

Adults: Nebulise with 5 ml undiluted Liquid, 1 to 2 times daily.​

Children 6 years and older: Quarter to half the adult dose, under the supervision of an adult.


    • Silverlab’s products need to be used undiluted. 
    • In the case of oral ingestion, please keep in the mouth for 1 to 2 minutes before swallowing and take on an empty stomach for optimal absorption.
    • Adults should not ingest and/or inhale more than 550 litres of 18 ppm ioniccolloidal silver in their lifetime, an average of 8 litres per year, to prevent the possibility of argyria developing. 
    • Safety in pregnancy and lactation has not been established.