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Please share your Silverlab experience with us. Thank you.

Immune Support


I am in my mid-eighties. I had surgery several years ago (major abdominal surgery). When I came out of ICU two weeks later they found that I had a huge clot behind my right knee. This caused blockages in veins further up.

The medical concern at the time was that the clot would go up to my heart. It was very painful. During the year following this, I rubbed over and around the clot with Silverlab Healing Cream – regularly and daily. Within a year it had cleared up, together with the damage this had caused to the veins above it.

I still use the cream as part of my daily routine. I have found on occasion when I have not kept up the routine, the veins tend to swell and become painful again.



Four months ago I was introduced to Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid by a friend and it has changed and improved my life miraculously. I am 28 years old and had suffered from a variety of health issues and felt as though my organs and body were shutting down. I always seemed to be on various antibiotics, antihistamines, inhalers and prescription medications yet never seemed to get better and had all but given up hope of ever having a medication free day.

I had a permanent sinus infection, my asthma and allergies were progressively getting worse and I was virtually house bound by an embarrassing leaking bladder and the constant need to urinate. I had no immune system to speak of and would become ill from any flu virus and stomach bug going round. I had unsightly acne, reoccurring boils and had consulted numerous Dermatologists and Specialist but to no avail. Initially I was very apprehensive as to the healing properties of Colloidal Silver Liquid but decided it was worth trying as conventional medications were not curing or improving my health issues.

I decided to stop all medication (except my asthma inhaler) and started by drinking 50mls of Silverlab CS liquid in the morning and again at night. To my astonishment and joy, within a week of starting on the Silverlab CS liquid I began to feel things improving and healing! For the first time in nearly 5 years the constant need to urinate was gone!

I had gone from using my inhaler 6 to 8 times a day to less than 3. By the second week, I noticed that I had not gotten any new boils and the ones I did have were finally less inflamed and starting to heal properly. My acne was showing signs of clearing and my sinus congestion was almost gone!

By week 3 I could finally breathe clearly through my nose and for the first time in years could get through a day and night without using an inhaler! What years of conventional medication could not treat was practically cured/healed within a month of being treated with Silverlab CS liquid! The need for the inhaler was less than twice a week, infected boils had healed completely, almost all the acne had cleared up and most importantly I had regained bladder control!

For the past 3 months I drink 25mls Silverlab CS liquid in the morning and again at night. My rundown body has been rejuvenated and healed! I haven’t had a single boil or serious acne breakout and I use my inhaler perhaps once every 2 to 3 weeks. My sinuses are clear and pain free and I have not had a cold or flu this Winter.

Most life changing for me is that finally all bladder issues have healed and I no longer have to decide where to be seated in restaurant based on how close the bathroom is!

Colloidal Silver Liquid has changed my life for the better. I no longer constantly worry about coming down with a cold or illness or having to carry packs of tissues and inhalers everywhere I go. I will continue to drink Silverlab CS liquid daily and recommend it to all my friends and family as it clearly has amazing healing qualities and immune building properties. I just wish I knew about it sooner.



As she prepares for the Tokyo 2021 Paralympics, Louzanne uses Silverlab’s products to stay healthy. She uses Silverlab’s Daily Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial (MultiSupport LiquidTM), Silverlab’s Healing Cream and Healing Gel.

5000 m Visually Impaired Paralympian,
March 2021

Ear, nose & throat Support

Healing with Silverlab

I would like to compliment you. Your products are absolutely amazing.

Months ago I had a terrible ear infection which no conventional ear drops or standard antibiotic ear drops could cure. Your Ear Rescue drops cured me within 24-hrs.

Then I got a new severe ailment; a urinary tract infection that lasted weeks. Whether bacterial or viral I don’t know. At the end of my tether, I finally remembered to drink your ionic+ Colloidal Silver (Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial). Instant relief.

I’ve bought another big bottle of Daily Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial. Thank you for this amazing cure. This is the greatest medicine. I only wish I had discovered Silverlab many years ago. All the best.

Darren, 29 Sep 2023


My son, Jordan, has suffered with allergic conjunctivitis for many years. This is usually in summer when pollen levels are very high. He uses the Silverlab Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray or the gel as soon as his eyes start to feel itchy. It brings relief and helps to keep his eyes free from a full blown infection.



My uncle has been suffering from high blood pressure and cholesterol for some months now and has been taking heavy medication for it. One side effect of the particular meds he is on is chronic sinus congestion for which he has spent thousands of Rands trying to treat. I saw him over the weekend and he is 300% better than previously.

And the cause of his better health? A ‘new’ product that his pharmacist recommended he tries. It costs a ¼ of the other products and cleared him up FULLY within 3 days, where other medications had no effect for months. I was (not too) surprised when he showed me the product he was using – your colloidal silver nasal spray. I told him some of the background you have told me and now we can both sing its praises 😉 I just thought it might be nice for you guys to get some positive feedback on your product.



Ek het op Donderdag 2 Julie @ Health Corner in Langenhovenpark, Bloemfonein vir my `n bottel Silverlab Colloidal Silver gekoop. Ek was in `n maand se tyd op 3 kursusse antibotika gewees vir bronchitis en daarna griep. Na die tyd het ek nog erg gesukkel met `n post nasale drup wat net nie wou beter raak nie.

Ek het die Donderdag met die Colloidal Silver begin, en kon al vanaf die Saterdag `n verskil agterkom. `n Week later het ek weer begin hoes, en toe sommer onmiddelik weer begin met die Colloidal Silver, en daar’s my hoes weg!

Ek beveel Colloidal Silver 100% aan vir alle mense. Ek het op my Facebook ook vir Elsjé Blair (Ryk Neethling se suster) en Ruben Kruger dit aanbeveel. Ons al 3 is ex kanker pasiënte. Ek is nou 5jr skoon van Borskanker. Ek het toe ook sommer op my facebook profile `n aanbeveling van Colloidal Silver gedoen en julle web adres bygesit.

My ma het so twee weke terug `n operasie aan haar been gehad, en toe gee ek vir haar ook `n bottel Colloidal Silver present en sê sy moet dit gereeld aan die wond sit. Sy het gesê dit is die beste geskenk wat mens vir iemand kan gee. Groete uit `n koue Bloemfontein.


I’m a chronic sinusitis sufferer and have tried everything. By using Silverlab’s Nasal Spray, my chronic sinusitis infections are sorted in three days. I like Colloidal Silver because it has no side-effects and can be used daily for prolonged periods of time.

Respiratory tract Support


I am living proof that Colloidal Silver works with me because I had bronchitis one year and had a temperature of about 102 degrees and took this in my mouth for like 3 minutes so it would go into my blood stream and about two days it was gone my illness so this stuff works.


eye Support

Sore Eyes due to Seasonal Change Allergies

After weeks of fighting red infected eyes (probably due to allergies), I woke up this morning with my eye infection completely gone. I just applied two drops of Silverlab Nasal Spray (using the supplied dropper) every 30-mins in the evening before going to bed. Silverlab’s ionic+ Colloidal Silver should travel with you everywhere.

Sarah De La P (Johannesburg, Aug 2022)


On a Sunday morning, I woke up and realised I had an eye infection because I couldn’t open one eye and the other one was itchy. I had a bottle of colloidal silver, which we had used effectively for stomach problems. Not being able to go to the doctor and get a prescription for antibiotics, I decided to give the colloidal silver a try, although I was honestly not too hopeful for results. As soon as I used it, I got relief from the itchiness. I decided to postpone my doctor visit for a few more days because there was obviously something working here. I couldn’t believe it when the infection cleared completely, without the need to pay for an expensive specialist and medication.


intestinal health

I was fortunate to discover Silverlab’s Daily Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial for my gut health. I was suffering from Lyme Disease due to Candida in my gut. The relief was almost immediate. This is why I highly recommend drinking a tot of Silverlab daily. 


Because of my severe nausea and stomach cramps, I could not get out of the car. I was convinced that the start of my holiday was destroyed. I drank a cup of Immune Booster & Anti-microbial and just lay on the back seat whilst my family unpacked the car. In 30-minutes I was playing tennis. Ionic+ Colloidal Silver really is “First Aid in a Bottle”.


oral mouth care


My name is Stuart and I’m a Biokineticist working in Private practice in Johannesburg. Since high school I have been struggling with mouth ulcers brought on by continued stress. Whatever the event coming up, be it a test, exam or even a sports event, no matter my preparation one thing was guaranteed – I would have a mouth ulcer leading up to it. A low immune system and high stress were always the cause.

The same goes for my current occupation – whenever I have deadlines or a particularly stressful week I will develop a mouth ulcer at some point. The biggest problem was not so much the ulcer itself but the time I had to deal with it. I would have an ulcer, sometimes more than one, for at least 2 weeks or more. It made it painful to eat and drink, even talk.

It was only recently that I have start using Silverlab Colloidal Silver, in the 500ml bottle. I rinse and swallow daily (when I remember.) After 3 months I realised that it was really working! I seldom develop mouth ulcers now and when I do they last a day or two, not a week or two. And usually if I do develop an ulcer it is because I have been slack with my Colloidal Silver.

I’ve tried many products in the past for my mouth ulcers, some preventative and some to try and treat them but nothing works like Silverlab Colloidal Silver. It clears up ulcers quickly when I get them and continues to hold them off when I use it constantly. I now recommend it to all my friends and family, as well as patients in my practice, for a myriad of problems. Thanks for a wonderful product.


uro-genital tract health

Healing with Silverlab

I would like to compliment you. Your products are absolutely amazing.

Months ago I had a terrible ear infection which no conventional ear drops or standard antibiotic ear drops could cure. Your Ear Rescue drops cured me within 24-hrs.

Then I got a new severe ailment; a urinary tract infection that lasted weeks. Whether bacterial or viral I don’t know. At the end of my tether, I finally remembered to drink your ionic+ Colloidal Silver (Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial). Instant relief.

I’ve bought another big bottle of Daily Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial. Thank you for this amazing cure. This is the greatest medicine. I only wish I had discovered Silverlab many years ago. All the best.

Darren, 29 Sep 2023


My unary tract infection was causing mid-back pain in my kidneys. A friend introduced me to 2.5 litre Daily Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial (with MultiSupport LiquidTM). Taking 100 ml every hour cured it in 24-hrs.



My son who uses a urostomy pouch was having monthly unary  tract infections. An anaesthetist friend recommended that I use Silverlab’s Daily Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial (with MultiSupport LiquidTM) to kill this build-up of bacteria by rinsing my son’s urostomy tube & pouch. Infection to my my son’s urethra have now been reduced to almost zero. I have recommended Silverlab to over 30 people. I also use Silverlab’s 30 ml Nasal Spray (with SilverRepairTM) to clear up post-nasal drips and sinusitis.



I was flat on my back with a fever caused by a severe bladder infection.  I drank a cup (250 ml) of Silverlab’s Daily Immune Boost & Anti-Microbial (MultiSupport LiquidTM) to try to get as much as possible into my bladder.  Two hours later I was 100%.  I was so surprised how quickly I found relief.


skincare support

Skin Growths Killed

Over my 30-years of using Colloidal Silver, I have experienced no adverse effects. While at the same time I have experienced these two very positive results:

1) I had a growth on my eyelid (said to be likely cancer, that should be removed)
2) I had growths on my head (also said to be possibly pre-cancerous)

The growth on the outside of my eyelid was recommended to be removed, requiring at least seven stiches. This would have resulted in a strangely shaped or scarred eyelid. I asked the doctor if I could have the time to reconsider the operation, and then immediately applied daily doses of Colloidal Silver to the growth. I returned to see the doctor a month later for another reason, and he remarked that I must have used another doctor to have the growth removed! It was remarkable as no sign of the “removal” was obvious. I told him that daily application of Colloidal Silver had been applied and the growth had dried or died and fallen off.

For the growths on the head, I decided to not have them operated on, but rather with the aid of daily applications of Colloidal Silver, after some time the growths just dried (and died) and fell off, leaving no scars.


Yours faithfully, Bruce

I spoke to you on the phone some weeks ago. This email is to praise this product. It has been a magic cure for eczema. I had severe eczema on my hands and tried a variety of products, including cortisone, without success. Someone suggested I try Healing cream -it was amazing and healed the eczema almost immediately I now use it constantly.

I like the fact that Healing Cream has no perfume or alcohol which is what burns one’s skin when using other products and it does not leave a greasy layer on one’s hands. Generally speaking, one is too busy to “wait” for a cream to be absorbed which is not the case with Healing Cream.



I started suffering from psoriasis on my hands about a year ago. Since then not one day has gone by without my fingers cracking and being very painful indeed.

As I am a diabetic as well, it takes a long time to heal and I had to use a lot of cortisone ointment to heal the cracks, which pushes my sugar sky high. I have tried every ointment and remedy I have heard of, to no avail. I do not want to do the chemical treatment as I prefer the natural way of healing.

Two weeks ago I had a very sore back and the psoriasis on my hands was at its worst. I went to Dis-chem and the sister there suggested that I use Silverlab Colloidal Silver Cream. I bought it not expecting anything it to work as nothing had worked so far. Well I applied the Silver ointment a few times a day, and within a week my hands were healed and nice and soft like a woman’s hands should be. Unbelievable!!!!

I am now your biggest supporter and tell everybody about Silverlab. I have also bought the liquid to drink for general health and have started to drink it daily. I must also mention that the itching from the psoriasis in my hairline has completely gone just from using Silverlab on my hands. I do still have the itching on my hands and realize that my psoriasis is a chronic condition, but at least I have now found a wonderful product which helps to improve my quality of life. What a wonderful product you have, and I am very grateful for that. 



I had been suffering from multiple solar keratosis with a super-added bacterial infection. I went to see a doctor who prescribed E**dex which resulted in my feet being covered in open sores, which were incredibly painful. I then went to a dermatologist and all he did was put another dressing on the very big wound and told me to keep using Bac***ban. This didn’t help. As you can imagine I was raving mad! I was in such agony that I could put nothing over my feet, I couldn’t wear socks, knee hi’s, boots – nothing, (in the middle of winter – my feet were freezing cold). And I wasn’t able to do my Walk for Life because I couldn’t wear proper shoes.

In August, a work colleague suggested I use Silverlab Colloidal Silver Healing cream. Well, I started using it as well as the gel and the spray and that’s when the healing finally began. By December my feet and legs were healed and I was able to start wearing proper shoes again. By April even the scarring was minimal, (see attached picture). I’m back at my Walk for Life now, and just love my walking three times a week. I will never be without my Silverlab Colloidal Silver – That’s for sure.

Carol Beilich


At the beginning of March 2010 a certain cosmetic product affected my facial skin and I struggled to clear the problem. After trying numerous creams and oils I made my way to Dis-Chem and was told by an assistant to try Colloidal Silver cream. Within a few days I noticed a remarkable change in my skin’s condition. I was so pleased with the texture of my skin I have since continued to use your product on a regular basis as a moisturizer.

During last summer blisters started forming at the top of both my legs so I went through the same procedure experimenting on creams and oils and then my final choose was Colloidal cream which cleared up the issue.

A HUGE thank you for your wonder product which I have and will continue to broadcast to all family and friends. Much success for the future.



I just have to write and say thank you for your colloidal silver healing cream. I wash my hands ALL DAY LONG in the work I do with animals and my hands had become red, dry and cracked as of late.

I bought your silver cream to try as it has the 2 things I love the most in it – colloidal silver – with its anti-bacterial/antiviral properties – and avocado oil. It is so creamy without being greasy and leaves my hands soft and comfortable.

I have also started using it as a body cream and the results are something you have to see for yourself. Really, it is a beauty cream for the body. Try it and you’ll understand why I say that. Anyway, many thanks and keep up the good work. I love your products!



My name is Fatima Cader, and for 19 years I have suffered from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. This has meant going for regular chemotherapy to keep the disease at bay. One of the side effects is a burning body rash accompanied by unbearable itching. No medication I tried ever helped this problem, but in July 2008 I was fortunate to have been made aware of colloidal silver cream. It gave me instant relief, calmed me and, for the first time in years I was able to sleep though the night. My friend uses it for her daughter, who has such severe allergies she can only eat white rice and also suffers from eczema. She used it on her daughter and was amazed at the result. Thank you!



I’ve got very dry skin but no one has been able to tell me what causes it. It is also allergic and will suddenly break out into a rash from time to time. I know what caused this – all the moisturisers and creams I used. And I’ve used some of the most expensive cosmetic applications on the market.

My daughter works as a representative for a colloidal silver manufacturer and gave me a jar about a year ago to use as a general cream for wounds, bites, cuts and things like that. I tried some on my face and was amazed at how soothing it is. I use it often and haven’t had a rash for over a year.



Several years ago I developed extremely high blood pressure – high enough to scare the living daylights out of me. I’m a health shop owner and the herbal medication I tried wasn’t working quickly enough.

A doctor prescribed medication, which stabilised the pressure, but two years ago I suffered an allergic reaction to these pills in the form of a ringworm-like rash that covered my legs. The itch was terrible and I would wake up 3.00 am scratching myself to pieces. I was at my wits end when I decided to try a sample of colloidal silver cream given to me by a sales representative.

This product is marvellous – within 30 seconds (no lie) I had relief from the itch, and the rash was gone in two days. I began stocking this range of products and my patients tell me I’ve found the miracle cure. Apart from the cream, the liquid has been effective in treating bladder infections, colds and ‘flu. I actively promote this product as I know it works.



Although my daughter has very sensitive skin, she always uses hair removal cream on her legs. One night, at about 10.30 pm, a burning rash broke out that began to turn raw.

I applied as much stuff from my medicine cabinet as I could find but none of it worked. I was really worried and then remembered some cream called colloidal silver, which someone had given me.

I still find it hard to believe that it took the pain away so quickly and the burning disappeared in three minutes! After two days the leg was completely healed.



I have suffered badly from eczema for most of my life. It flares up on my neck, cheeks and legs and is related to a chronic asthmatic condition I have. When I get an asthma attack I break out in eczema.

I’ve tried most medications and over the counter creams to soothe and heal the condition, but without success. About a year ago my mom told me she’d read about colloidal silver cream and that perhaps I should try it. I did, and it worked wonderfully. I apply it immediately when the eczema breaks out and by the third day the condition has gone. It’s the only medication I use for eczema now.



I want to take the opportunity to congratulate you on your Healing Cream.
I have a skin that bruises and cuts very easily, which also normally takes weeks to heal.

I bought a tube of your Healing Cream at Dischem, and it took just 3-days to heal. The cuts and bruises were almost gone in 3-days.

I will definitely tell everyone about your Healing Cream, and now will also buy other Silverlab products. I am now a positive believer in your product. Thanks.

Emmie P (5 May 2023)

burn & wound care

Cuts on Face & Broken Nose

I had an unfortunate accident where I cut my face and broke my nose. The bruising and cuts were unsightly. I used Silverlab’s Healing Gel every day for 2-weeks, and daily I could see the marked difference. The bruising was so severe it looked like I had gone fifteen rounds in a boxing ring. But with the help of your Healing Gel, I was healed so much faster than I thought possible.

Thank you very much.

Ilze R
(July, 2023).


This testimonial is from an 83 year old lady who lives on her own. She loves to knit and work in the communal garden of the complex where she lives and she is also very involved with the young children who live in the complex.

“AMAZING….. Silverlab Colloidal Silver Healing Cream has been a daily important part of my life for many years. Silverlab Liquid together with the necessary cotton wool and plasters are on regular call to deal with damaged knees, toes and heels of the little boys aspiring to be rugby players in my complex

The extremely quick healing of even some really bad damage, I just accepted as the quick healing qualities of children – UNTIL – 2 months ago. While I was pruning a small tree, the ladder twisted in the soil. To avoid a bad fall, I clung to the tree as I rolled down. The damage was a large area of skin which simply peeled back on itself (skin-flap wound, Ed.).

I rushed inside for the liquid silver which I just kept pouring over the bloody looking mess. My friend Marjorie came in with a waterproof dressing which she applied after lowering the skin back into position. These dressing were changed 3 times, each time pouring liquid silver over the wound first. Amazing that in 7 days the wound was healed with just a slight difference in texturing in the skin. Almost no scar!



Thirteen years ago I underwent an operation for gangrene, which had surfaced after my hysterectomy. Treatment of the gangrene was successful but in November 2009, thirteen years later, I went to see a doctor, as it appeared to have flared up again. He put me through a Quantum Xeroid diagnostic process and suggested I see a plastic surgeon to remove the inflamed skin and flesh. The surgeon performed an abdominoplasty, but the wound became infected.

After opening the wound, he found it to be literally the size of a jumbo egg. He said I should wash the wound with saltwater and a well-known baby sterilising fluid. I did this, but it burnt excruciatingly for hours after each application. On telling him about the pain, and that there appeared to be no evidence of healing, he insisted I continue because it was a tried and trusted remedy. But it simply did not get better and I felt compelled to seek an alternative cure.

I had read about the healing properties of colloidal silver and thought I would try it. I did an Internet search for a South African supplier and got Silverlab. I sent my story to the email contact listed and received a reply from Ian McQueen, who advised me to mix bicarbonate of soda with Silverlab Ionic Colloidal Silver to clean the wound, and then wash it out with just the Silverlab Ionic Colloidal Silver. He added I should apply Silverlab Healing Gel after doing that, and that I should repeat the process until the wound healed. I was amazed to see a daily improvement – yes, daily! The wound is closed, there is no more burning, just a cool and gentle feeling.

I now use Silverlab Ionic Colloidal Silver for my sinuses and it has also cured my daughter’s candida. I give it to my two-year old toddler, who recently went for ear surgery and was full of vim and vigour after the operation. Silverlab, your product is wonderful! And thank you Ian! I would also like to thank my God and Saviour for helping me find a company that is so helpful and a product that works!



I was bitten by a baboon in Zambia and about a week later travelled to South Africa to visit my very sick brother. I stayed with my nephew who suggested I try some colloidal silver on my, as yet, unhealed wound, which had become a bit red and inflamed. I applied the colloidal silver and within a week the scabs had gone! They didn’t fall off as scabs usually do – they just vanished!

I became quite excited about colloidal silver products and treated my cousin’s husband for a cold when we visited them in Pretoria. He was quite reluctant at first, but was so ill with it that he eventually gave in and took some of the liquid.

You won’t believe me when I tell you that after three days of taking it, his cold cleared completely! I didn’t stop there: on my advice, my daughter used the liquid to treat her little boys’ colds and, after two days phoned me to say the colds had gone!





I was given two different anti-biotics by my doctor, but instead I only used ionic⁺ Colloidal Silver Healing Spray & Healing Gel as an anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. The before & after photographs of my deep wound over 2-weeks is miraculous (13 June 2020 – 2 July 2020).


Toe blister

As an ultra-marathon runner, I get very sores blisters. By applying Silverlab’s Healing Gel for 3 consecutive days, the pain disappeared and I could enjoy wearing formal shoes again. The stuff works. It’s a must have in your first aid kitespecially with my preparation of my upcoming ultra-marathon. 

Molefe M (Ultra-Marathon Runner, Pretoria) 

pet health


A friend, who sells the product, gave me a small sample sachet of colloidal silver gel to use on cuts, wounds, burns and abrasions. I didn’t realise how effective it was until I started using it for these problems. It worked so well that I decided to use it on my pets as well. Works like a charm! I also use it for small patches of eczema I get now and again and find it works really well for that.


Wet Dermatitis (Boston Terrier’s “hot spots”)



Archie, my Boston Terrier developed wet-dermatitis (probably from a scratch). Using Silverlab’s 100 ml Healing Spray healed it completely in 6-days.

African Horse Sickness (AHS)

African Horse Sickness (AHS) is a big fear for horse owners. Four years ago I discovered the benefits of Silverlab’s ionic+ Colloidal Silver to help horses through very serious cases of AHS. In fact, Silverlab’s ionic+ Colloidal Silver is the key element of my remedy in successfully pulling horses through viral fevers.  The results can be seen rapidly when using it orally (i.e. Silverlab’s Daily Immune Booster & Anti-Microbial).

Having observed the results of this dedicated Silverlab research into the AHS virus, it is simply silly not to try their product. I find that you can’t go wrong with ionic+ Colloidal Silver.

Lauren, April 2022

other support

I have been keeping my 10,000 litre rainwater tanks free of microbials with Silverlab’s ionic⁺ Colloidal Silver. Each week I just add a tot of Silverlab’s Daily Immune Boost & Anti-Microbial to my rainwater tanks.

My doctor suggested surgery was the only way to remove my planter’s wart. I avoided surgery by soaking my wart with Silverlab’s Healing Gel & Healing Spray. Over the following two weeks the wart was dead.
